
Founded in 1983 as the Inter-Association Task Force on Alcohol and Other Substance Abuse Issues, The Coalition of Higher Education Associations for Substance Abuse Prevention (CoHEASAP) is an umbrella organization dedicated to promoting education, prevention, research, networking, and national initiatives to help eliminate substance abuse and the problems it causes on our college and university campuses.

Mission Statement

The Inter-Association Task Force on Alcohol and Other Substance Abuse Issues (IATF) is a coalition of higher education associations and organizations that seeks to eradicate the abuse of alcohol, tobacco, legal and illegal drugs and other substances among college students. It strives to inspire students to review their lifestyles and make informed decisions regarding these substances. The Task Force supports teaching college students life skills that will enable them to be successful in college and afterwards.

Activities of the Task Force

  • National Collegiate Alcohol Awareness Week
  • Resources & Guidelines for Higher Education
  • Advocacy