Membership Requirements

Membership in CoHEASAP is open by invitation to any Higher Education Association or Non-Profit Organization serving the student affairs or broader higher education communities.

In order to maintain membership with CoHEASAP, each member association agrees to the following:

    • To appoint an Association Representative to serve on CoHEASAP, responsible for attending meetings and communicating back to their respective Association leadership and membership. Association Representatives will also be tasked to:
          • Attend in-person meetings of CoHEASAP;
          • Communicate meeting content to member Association leadership and membership;
          • Represent member Association’s missions and strategies in related substance abuse prevention discussions;
          • Serve on committees and/or projects where applicable; and
          • Other designations as determined by the CoHEASAP Executive Committee.
    • To pay annual dues of $300 to support the mission of CoHEASAP, including:
          • Hosting two in-person meetings, including costs to support presentations from content area experts;
          • Advance best practices through the sponsorship of research, conferences, and leadership in collegiate substance abuse prevention;
          • Provide optimum communication among member Associations; and
          • Other mission significant expenses as determined by the CoHEASAP Executive Committee.
    • Allow Association name and logo to be represented as part of CoHEASAP, on webpage, electronic, and printed publications. CoHEASAP will not take any positions on behalf of any member Association, and no member Association may take any positions on behalf of CoHEASAP.

Any member Association can terminate membership in the CoHEASAP at any time by providing written communication to the Chair of the Executive Committee. CoHEASAP can also remove any association for failing to abide by the membership terms above by a majority vote of CoHEASAP members in good standing.

If you are interested in becoming a member organization of CoHEASAP, please reach out to Chair, Faith DeNardo, PhD, CHES for more information.Â